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Uttara Ganbenobanera reforms and collections inaugurated

Kalisas Roy, Natore Rani Bhabani, famous Carnalolla, poet Jibanananda Das of Banalata town Natore. This small town of North Bengal is historically famous. After the seventeenth century, the palace of Uttara Ganobhaban was recognized as the second residence of Prime Minister of the independent Bangladesh after the Independence and the Garnarnar House in East-Pakistan. But due to lack of proper planning and implementation, the district of northern Bengal has been neglected for a long time. But according to Natore's claim, the district administration has taken a plan to reorganize Natore. Deputy Managing Director Shahina Khatun has taken various development plans in Natore's historic Uttara Ganobhaban. The picture has been changed. In the meantime, 80 percent of the Uttara Jubo Bhaban has opened up for visitors, archaeological museum, mini zoo construction, cleanliness drive, tree plantations, and some of the targets of development in Natore. Deputy Commissioner Shahina Khatun has already won Natore's mind as an idol for development and potential work.

Deputy Commissioner Shahina Khatun said, Natore is a wealthy, beautiful and a lot of potential place. Many development can be done here by making the right plan. But initially various development plans of Uttara Ganobhaban have been taken. After coming to Natore, cabinet member Mohammad Shafiul Alam, he was presented with several infrastructural development plans inside and outside of Uttara Ganobhaban. If the project is available, the development of the Natore tourism industry will lead to a breakthrough. Natore's picture will be changed. Number of visitors to multiply multiplied. Revenue income will increase District Administration requires a huge amount of money to implement the proposed development plan.

According to district administration sources, Natore's historic establishment and monuments in Uttara Ganobhaban have been neglected for a long time. No one thought of the overall development and infrastructural development from the local representative at that stage. But after being transferred to the job formula, Deputy Commissioner Shahina Khatun fell in love with the city of Ranatali Bhawan, Ranab Bhaban. He took advantage of the wealthy and potentially different districts of this district. He discussed with the representatives of different levels and took steps to develop the historic Uttara Ganabhaban-centric infrastructure. Response to match Uttara Gana Bhaban's picture has been changed due to the effort and hard work of district administration and Deputy Commissioner Shahina Khatun. The Deputy Commissioner himself accompanied the scouts to clear out the cleanliness in the gonobhaban. Uttara has been cleaned throughout Ganabhaban. There are about 100 acres of land in this Rajbari courtyard with more than 100 hundred year old lakes. It has been fitted with various species of valuable trees and flower grapes. Mini zoo has been installed. The new venues are spreading deer, deer, peacock, monkeys, taias. In the first place, two hairs were named Shyama and Shyamol, Mayur and Tithi and Mithi, both of which were named after Mithu and Monty.