Information under Chattani Union Land Offices of the District
Size: 25.48 sq km: m
Non-agricultural land: 1801.7062 acres
The amount of the property valued: 168.6850 acres
Quantity of abandoned property: 4.4874 acres
Hat-market: 7
Ferrari: 1
Union: 5 (Narayanganj Sadar, Kashipur, Gognagar, Alirtek
Union Land Offices: 4 (Narayanganj, Kashipur, Gogganga blogs)
Mouza: 27th
Holding Number: 56,590
Land development tax collected in the year 2016-2017: Rs.26,270,764,76.00 (General revenues: 2,17,91,916.00 and collection of organization: 57,63,054.00 rupees)
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS